
Klockan / 2018



Year: 2018 / Renderings by me

During the summer of 2018 Klockan has been exhibited at Konsthall Marieholm.

I have come to know a lot of people who has difficulties with understanding time and what I have seen is that it is difficult to have an overview of the day.
I wanted to create a clock for everyone. A clock where you can see how long time there is left of the day. Klockan is Swedish for ‘the clock’ and is soft, a clock you can touch to feel time. It only shows the hours.

It is 24 cubes.

One cube for one hour of the day. The 12th cube is the highest to show that it is in the middle of the day. The 11th cube is glowing between 11.00 and 11.59.

Ella Westlund